Summer 2021 Newsletter

Urgent Dispatch from Kaihura
Our missionary team traveled to Kaihura, Uganda, during the month of May and they are reporting completion of the first BHTFUSA sponsored water well! “This is a very proud moment for BHTFUSA and BHTF Uganda to lead this effort for the health and welfare of the community,” says BHTFUSA founder, Christine Deschaine. “Over 800 people will now have access to clean water for the first time in their lives!” Well done, Team!
Faith Kunihira sworn in as MP in 11th Ugandan Parliament

Faith Kunihira, founder of BHTF Uganda, was sworn in May 17, 2021, as the MP representing Kyenjojo District. Congratulations!
Missionary Profile: Laine Wagenseller

Most days, Laine Wagenseller has a phone to his ear or his eyes trained on a stack of contracts on his desk waiting for his expertise. But his busy life as a real estate attorney in Los Angeles is just his day job. His passion, which he discovered in 2010 after meeting Faith Kunihira at BHTF Uganda, is to expand his understanding of just how much one individual can accomplish.
“On my first trip to Uganda, I saw that Faith was accomplishing great things, but I didn’t relate it to my life or my God.” Then, using Kunihira as his inspiration, Wagenseller facilitated a series of events that ultimately led to a young Ugandan boy’s seemingly miraculous transformation from having a disfiguring disability that prevented him from walking upright, into a normal, active young boy. []
“God was working miracles—big miracles–faster than my doubts could bat them down!” Wagenseller realized he had underestimated his view of God, and that he could truly be an instrument of change for good with his new outlook. “I want to play a bigger role and to embrace a bigger God.”
Scholarship Seeker

Grace Kobugabe
Fifteen- year-old Grace was brought to the Home Again orphanage along with her four siblings by authorities who found them living without parents in an unsafe grass thatched house.
She is currently attending her second year at Mandela School and desperately needs a sponsor in order to continue her studies.
$1,250 will fund one year Grace’s secondary education
Scholarship Seeker

Wilson “Ambassador” Kusemererwa
Wilson, lovingly known as Ambassador, was born into an impossibly difficult life. His mother is mentally ill and his father is unknown. He was abandoned in a neighborhood garden and found by his grandparents purely by chance.
He and his younger sister, Debrah, were brought to Home Again children’s home to be cared for and educated. Ambassador is 8-years old
now and has dreams of being a veterinarian and a pastor.
$1,000 will help Ambassador work towards his goals
Scholarship Seeker

Godfrey Mutegeka
Please consider a gift of $694 to fund one year of secondary school for Godfrey whose ultimate goal is to attend medical school.