“One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love.” – Sophocles
Greetings valued donors and friends. During this month as we celebrate love, we are reminded of our calling and purpose of helping those less fortunate.
Christine Kangume and Christopher Murungi
Bringing Hope to the Family has stepped in to help with the plight of Christine Kangume, age 15, and her brother, Christopher Murungi, age 14. Both of these children were facing a life of terror and adversity due to severe family challenges such as violence and substance abuse between the mother and father.
Sadly, as you know, these types of situations are not rare. Children all over the world are challenged daily with circumstances beyond their control, and we are committed to bringing them to a safe space and providing the essentials they need to survive and thrive. We are grateful that Faith Kunihira and her team at BHTF have established and continue to build a place for the desperate young victims of domestic violence, HIV/Aids, poverty, and many other maladies.
Can you help Christopher and Christine with their tuition for school and provide for their basic needs? A recurring monthly donation of $50-100 for one year is appreciated. DONATE NOW
Our Water is Life initiative has been a resounding, ongoing success!
We are pleased to report that during the last several months, BHTFUSA donors have successfully provided fresh water access to 10,000 people in fifteen villages in the Kyenjojo District of Uganda. That’s a stunning achievement for our organization and its supporters.
For example, the newly built Butunduuzi shallow well now provides 800 people with fresh water for the first time. Prior to the construction of the well, their water was retrieved from man-made ponds filled with water from nearby running streams. These ponds produced typhoid, worms and bilharzia which kept this community sick and the kids out of school. They now enjoy fresh water and a healthier village.
You, as a generous donor, should be very proud of this accomplishment, but we still have work to do. Our goals for 2023 include construction of many more water wells in the Kyenjojo District. Will you help? HELP US BUILD MORE WATER WELLS
Message from our Founder: Focus on Education
What is the true meaning of Valentine’s Day to you? For us at Bringing Hope to the Family, it’s spreading love and kindness in the Village of Kaihura community through the act of giving. Among our mission goals is to increase literacy and improve development skills through education programs. With our BHTF Uganda partner, we are creating opportunities to provide for tuition, reduce poverty, and allow all to excel at the same levels.
School is back in session right now in Uganda, and the children at BHTF are excited to begin their new year. BHTF is currently shepherding 383 children through school from Kindergarten to University levels, and all these students need backpacks, books, toiletries, and other basic essentials to start the session off well.
Additionally, a key part of our education initiative is to increase the number of qualified teachers at BHTF. It’s been said before that qualified teachers affect student achievement, and those students excel. We agree!
We should all expect better solutions that eliminate barriers to a fundamental education for all of our children. If you are already a monthly donor, thank you! And if not, you can make an impact today by celebrating the love of Valentine’s Day with us and being a part of our journey by clicking here: SUPPORT EDUCATION
With gratitude,